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Four types of ring settings: Find the perfect design for you and your fiancée!

Rings are one of the most beautiful accessories that are worn in the fingers. And this is the widespread introduction that you don’t want to know!! But do you know how many types of ring settings are there?

Every day the designers are creating a new creative design for the rings. If you are aficionados of accessories, then you must have a fascination with the designs. Suppose you are purchasing a diamond engagement ring in Londonit is very important to choose the ring after checking the right types of ring settings.

With multiple options of creative range of ring design, you might get confused on which one to choose, and you may fail to identify the right diamond engagement ring London for your fiancé or yourself. Don’t worry, and you will be able to find the perfect match for your finger.

In this article, we will be sharing the top 5 different types of ring settingsHere you will be offered a load of the idea that will include unique designs with multiple gemstones or diamonds. Hence sit back, relax, scroll through and keep reading the article.

 Four types of ring Settings

  1. The prone setting

I will like o do the honour with the most preferred and tested design that is the Prone setting. The prone setting is a type of design in which the small metals prong is utilized to hold the gemstone properly, positioning it right in the middle of the ring. This setting is trusted for ages because of its ability to hold the stone in the right place. The Prone types of ring setting enhance the transparency of the ring, which allow the light to play with the structure of precious gems. The design helps in enriching the brilliance of the stone. The prone setting ring mostly preferred as the classic and traditional engagement ring.

  1. Solitaire Setting

Generally, the Solitaire setting comes under the Prone setting. Solitaire is one of the most preferred ring settings. As per the name, you might have guessed that solitaire ring design is basically for most precious gemstones that is diamond. Especially in the engagement ring, a solitaire ring design is used. The reason behind the popularity of the design of solitaire is its simplicity. If you want to showcase your diamond ring, then the Solitaire design is the appropriate one for you.

  1. Bezel Setting 

The bezel setting is quite a popular designs used for earrings and rings. If you want to purchase something contemporary, chic with some aesthetic touch, this design is certainly for you. The central gemstones surround Bezel settings with a simple band made of the same metal lying under the ring itself. The band is accurately made so that the gem can be placed in the right place safely. If you live a busy lifestyle and have to handle your child all by yourself, the Bezel setting will perfectly set with your lifestyle.

  1. Tension Setting 

The Tension setting is very good at sharing its secret in their name because of the tension created by the ring’s metal that holds the stone in the place accurately. The Tension setting is quite famous for its contemporary and sleek look. The centrepiece is floating in between with two extra rock on the side of the ring. These types of ring design give an incredibly unique and stylish touch to the ring. Mostly the designer prefers strong gemstones which can endure the pressure of these designs.


Hopefully, this article has helped you with the information you wanted to know about the types of ring settings. If you find a design solution for a diamond engagement ring in Londonyou can try the above-mentioned ring settings.

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